Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Growing like weeds....

Well we had our 3rd ultrasound today!!

5 weeks ago, Twin A was 12 oz and Twin B was 14 oz.

Today Twin A was 3 lbs 11 oz and Twin B was 3 lbs 8 oz!!
So at 30 weeks, I am carrying around 7 pounds of baby!! I still have at least 6 weeks left!!

Twin B is very active so I was sure that she was going to weigh more. I thought for sure that she was bullying her sister for the food. Guess Twin A can fight for herself!!

We were very pleased to see how much they are growing and that they are so close in weight!

Twin A is still head down and Twin B is breech. We also clarified the information about the placenta and the sac. The babies are in the same placenta but they each have their own amniotic sac. The reason they think they are identical is because they are in the same placenta, there is a thin membrane between them and they are both girls.

We have another doctor's appointment next Tuesday and I go to the hospital as well!

We will keep you posted and I will start posting weekly pictures so you can see the growth!

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