Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 16, 2010

6 weeks old

Well the girls will be 6 weeks old tomorrow! I can't believe it!

They are doing really well. They have been doing really well with sleeping 4 hours in the middle of night before waking up to eat!

My mom, mother-in-law and sister have been very helpful! We could not have survived this far without them!

This is my favorite picture of them!

"It's all good with Grandma" shirts

They looked so cute in their duck outfits but they did not want to be photographed!

Molly, Katelynn (who was sleeping), Kendall and Mary

Another one of my favorites!


  1. You have no idea how exciting it is to open up this blog and see new pictures!! Those two are absolutely adorable!! :)

  2. I love looking at the pics! They are too cute! I love when they are facing each other asleep, it's adorable!
