Well we had our 9 month appointment on Monday. Kendall weighs 21 lbs 4 oz and is 29 1/4 inches long. She is in the 90th percentile for weight and the 95th percentile for length. Katelynn weighs 19 lbs 2 oz and is 29 inches long. She is in the 55th percentile for her weight and the 90th percentile for her length. The doctor says we are growing very nicely and doing well.
We are both crawling and pulling up to everything! Yikes this makes Mommy and Daddy very nervous, as we have already hit our heads numerous times.
We still only have 2 teeth.
We are gated into the family room...although this is not going to last long..we are already pulling up on the gate!
Kendall and Katelynn
Kendall and Katelynn pulling up on Mommy's leg.
Ready for bed...Katelynn and Kendall
We love to pull up to this table to play...
Kendall and Katelynn
Kendall on Mother's Day...
Katelynn on Mother's Day....
Kendall at the end of Mother's Day!
What a day!
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were very hot here. We were going to go swimming for the first time, but it started raining!
Instead we went in the bath tub with our cousins!
Molly, Katelynn, Mary and Kendall
We are both crawling and pulling up to everything! Yikes this makes Mommy and Daddy very nervous, as we have already hit our heads numerous times.
We still only have 2 teeth.
We are gated into the family room...although this is not going to last long..we are already pulling up on the gate!
Kendall and Katelynn
Kendall and Katelynn pulling up on Mommy's leg.
Ready for bed...Katelynn and Kendall
We love to pull up to this table to play...
Kendall and Katelynn
Kendall on Mother's Day...
Katelynn on Mother's Day....
Kendall at the end of Mother's Day!
What a day!
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were very hot here. We were going to go swimming for the first time, but it started raining!
Instead we went in the bath tub with our cousins!
Molly, Katelynn, Mary and Kendall
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