Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Room.....

The room is done!!

We have almost everything put together, we just have a swing left. We still have a few more things to buy and then I think we will be set. Well as set as you can be when bringing home 2 babies!! ha ha!!

Here is a picture of the room.


This is a picture of me at 31 weeks and 6 days! I look horrible and that shirt makes me look huge...oh wait...I am huge!!

Next week I only go to the hospital for a non-stress test. Then the following week we have a non-stress test and doctor's visit. We will keep you posted! Right now I am just keeping my feet up so they don't swell and trying to get comfortable while sleeping!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Growing like weeds....

Well we had our 3rd ultrasound today!!

5 weeks ago, Twin A was 12 oz and Twin B was 14 oz.

Today Twin A was 3 lbs 11 oz and Twin B was 3 lbs 8 oz!!
So at 30 weeks, I am carrying around 7 pounds of baby!! I still have at least 6 weeks left!!

Twin B is very active so I was sure that she was going to weigh more. I thought for sure that she was bullying her sister for the food. Guess Twin A can fight for herself!!

We were very pleased to see how much they are growing and that they are so close in weight!

Twin A is still head down and Twin B is breech. We also clarified the information about the placenta and the sac. The babies are in the same placenta but they each have their own amniotic sac. The reason they think they are identical is because they are in the same placenta, there is a thin membrane between them and they are both girls.

We have another doctor's appointment next Tuesday and I go to the hospital as well!

We will keep you posted and I will start posting weekly pictures so you can see the growth!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Girls' First Car

Last week we received the news that no car owner wants to hear...that the transmission on Heather's 6 year old SUV with 62,000 miles was beginning to show signs that it was failing. So on top of everything else, we suddenly found ourselves in search of a vehicle. After an intense negotiation that ended up lasting almost a week, we ended up purchasing a Chevy Tahoe. We are hopeful that the Tahoe will give us the space that our soon-t0-be family of 4 will need. Heather and the girls will be riding in style even if it means that dad will have to drive a moped if gas prices rise again.

Make sure you scroll down, there is another post before this one.

30 weeks

This is a picture of me at 30 weeks.

We had a doctor's appointment last week and everything is going great. The doctor that we saw was Dr. Short. She is awesome! We talked with her about the birth and the best way to deliver
the babies. Right now Baby A is head down and Baby B is breech. She said as long as Baby A stays head down, then we can go natural. Once Baby A is out, they will flip Baby B. She said there will be 2 doctors in the delivery room and 9 times out of 10, they are able to flip Baby B. So that was very encouraging.

She also talked about them being identical. We talked about ways to help us tell the difference between them. She said that sometimes they will paint their toe nails different colors or we can put different colored bracelets.

I only have 4 days left at the library. Not that I am counting or anything! It has been a fun experience but I am ready to be done. Then I plan to kick up my feet. They are pretty swollen these days!

I am having Non-stress tests once a week at the hospital, doctor's appointments every 2 weeks and ultrasounds every 4 weeks. We have an ultrasound on Wednesday. So we will see how big each baby is.

We will keep you posted after the ultrasound.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Twin Rules

Ethan's dad is an identical twin so this was written by his dad and uncle. This was read at our shower.

Dearest Heather and Ethan,
In preparation for the arrival of the twins, Uncle Greg and I have taken the liberty to prepare the following Twin Rules. Being that we are the only twins in the collective gene pool we represent ourselves as experts in this matter. ;-)
1. Dressing the twins the same must cease after 1st grade. It is only cute to the observer.
2. Under no circumstances are these beautiful babies to be entered into tap dance lessons or be entered into any toddlers and tiaras like competition. We were placed in tap lessons against our will in second grade. Having shown no latent talent for such foolishness we believe we were being exploited as a possible cash cow for our mother.
3. Rhyming names such as Perry and Jerry, Jenny and Penny are strictly forbidden. Remember the twins have to live with this silliness longer than the parents.
4. Historical data indicates that twins raised as Cubs Fans are more likely to be incarcerated in their life time. “GO SOX”.
5. Always insure that you have the correct offender when administering discipline. Taking a whooping for your twin does not qualify under the taking one for the team rule.
6. Embrace each twin’s individuality. On birthdays receiving individual different gifts is wonderful.
The Expert Panel of Twinness

This was written by Ethan's mom and dad.

Dearest Heather and Ethan,
As Jane and I embrace our new liberal environment here in the great northwest we have compiled a list of names which we feel would be appropriate for our new granddaughters. Please feel free to mix and match as you see fit.
1. Moon Beam and Sunshine
2. Chardonnay and Chablis
3. Patchouli and Willow
4. Zanadu and Venus
5. Cheyenne and Dakota
6. Prairie and Meadow
7. Trillium and Morning Glory
Peace Out
Nana and Grand Faather