Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter Fun....

We had a great Easter. We LOVED finding Easter eggs and of course we loved what was inside as well!
We did not like the Easter bunny so Mommy had to be in the picture with us.
We are 20 months now!! Can you believe 4 months we will be 2 years old!!
Enjoy lots of pictures below!
We love to pull our Big wagon around so the Easter bunny brought us little ones that we can pull around. We love them.
The Easter bunny spoiled us! We must have been good! We got a sand and water table for outside. We each got a wagon, clothes, toys and books.

Easter egg hunt at GG's house.

Kendall- look what I found!

Having a meeting in the play house at Mimi and Papa's with our cousin Molly. About 5 minutes before this, Molly and Kendall were "caught" standing on the table!!

Our big cousin Mary taking us for a ride in the jeep. We loved it and were very mad when we got taken out of it! Kendall and Mary

Katelynn just chilling!

Katelynn- cheese!

Kendall on the move!
Another Easter egg hunt at Lakewood Park!
Katelynn, Kendall, Molly and Mary

Kendall- running to put her egg in her basket so she could get another one!

Katelynn with Daddy!

Monday, April 2, 2012

1 Month...

So sorry that it has been so long!! Mommy is trying to get her last class finished. We have been sick and then Mommy was on Spring Break last week.
She promises that she won't take this long to post again!
We love to be outside! At the park, in the wagon or running in our yard.
We are saying all kinds of words now. Mama is our favorite word. But we also say Dada, Papa, Mimi, baby, sissy, Barbara, RaRa (Rowdy), GG, Nana, cheese and we try to say a lot of other words too!
Enjoy the pictures below.
Kendall- Mom really?

Playing at the park! Katelynn would not keep her hat on!

Kendall- ready for bed!


Kendall- in my Wyoming outfit!

Katelynn- took Mommy forever to get his picture!

Wagon ride! We love it!

Katelynn- cheese

Kendall- HI!
Over Spring Break, we went to the Children's Museum at Navy Pier in Chicago. Below are some pictures from there!
Kendall building with Aunt Ally

Katelynn, Molly and Kendall
Kendall playing in the water!
Katelynn splashing!

Have a great Easter and be looking for a post next week!